Can Massage Therapy Help You Find Relief From TMJ Symptoms?

Patients suffering from temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ/TMD) will have issues stemming from the joint that connects the jaw to the temporal bones in the skull. When it comes to temporomandibular joint disorder (and its accompanying pain, soreness and stiffness in your neck, face and jaw), a common treatment might include using massage on the surrounding muscles for pain relief. Some... read more »

TMJ Disorders: What Causes the Jaw Joints to Malfunction?

Approximately 10 million people in America have experienced or currently have TMJD (temporomandibular joint dysfunction) with a higher percentage of women than men. This disorder often involves pain in the jaw and the muscles in the face that control it and are known as temporomandibular disorders (or TMD). This discomfort and pain can impact one or both sides of the... read more »

What Is the Link Between Obstructive Sleep Apnea and TMJ Disorder?

Did you know that having a sleep disorder – known as obstructive sleep apnea, or OSA, where the airway becomes blocked while you sleep – may result in issues with your temporomandibular joints (TMJ/TMD)? This is especially relevant if you have been having a lot of headaches. Breaking It Down First, let’s take a look at TMJ disorder. This condition... read more »

What Happens When Your TMJ Symptoms Are Not Addressed?

If you are experiencing TMJ, a medical disorder in the temporomandibular joint which connects your jaw to your skull, you may be feeling pain in the chewing muscles and joints or have trouble opening and closing your mouth. You might also be hearing clicking, popping or grinding noises in your jaws and teeth. TMJ arises when the jaw joints are... read more »

Self-Care Treatments for Relieving TMJ/Jaw Pain

When it comes to treating TMJ pain, a lot depends on the severity of the symptoms. If the symptoms are mild and come and go, most of the time they will just go away on their own in a few weeks or sometimes months. In the meantime, there are some gentle, non-aggressive things you can do to alleviate the discomfort... read more »

Diagnosing and Treating Your Painful Jaw Joints

If you have jaw pain when you open and close your mouth, or feel a chronic dull ache around your ears and temple, you may have a TMJ/TMD disorder. This is especially possible if you also regularly grind your teeth while you sleep (a condition known as bruxism). Problems with your TMJ’s can leave you with painful joint inflammation and... read more »

Are You Looking for Relief From Your TMJ Headaches?

Do you regularly experience grinding or clenching of your teeth, or have a sore throat or laryngitis without an infection? Are your back teeth feeling sore or loose? Do you often have trouble swallowing? If you experience chronic pain in the jaw joints (the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, made of muscles, bones, nerves and blood vessels attaching the lower jaw... read more »

The Evolution of Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

When it comes to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ or TMJD), over 10 million Americans have it at one time or another, and 90 percent of those seeking treatment are women 30-50 years old. Still, the causes and symptoms of this facial pain are not completely understood, and it can be challenging to diagnose since the symptoms are similar to those... read more »

Need Help With Your Jaw Clenching and Teeth Grinding?

Do you find yourself grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw? Are people around you telling you that you are loudly grinding your teeth, even in your sleep? This habit is known as bruxism, where you grind your teeth, basically rubbing or sliding them across one another, and when you are clenching your jaws, you are repetitively biting down on... read more »

There Is No Need to Suffer With Chronic Jaw Pain

Jaw pain can arise for a variety of reasons such as dental issues from gum disease, poor fitting bridges or dentures, temporomandibular disorder (TMD), an abscessed tooth, stress and anxiety, teeth grinding, sinus issues, osteomyelitis (an infection in the bloodstream, which affects the jaw joint, facial swelling and fever, heart attack, injury to the jaw joints, arthritis in the jaw... read more »