Bruxism and TMJ

If you have a tendency to grind your teeth while you sleep, you might be experiencing the effects of bruxism. Typically done unconsciously, whether because of stress, a sleeping disorder or an abnormal bite, teeth grinding (or bruxism) can ultimately cause problems with your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) without treatment. At TMJ Therapy in American Fork, Utah, we are here to help. Dr. Carl McMillan and our team... read more »

Understanding Temporomandibular Joints

Like any health condition, understanding what you are suffering from is the key to finding treatment. TMD is a common disorder that can affect your jaw causing you pain. Luckily, our team here at TMJ Therapy in American Fork, Utah, has experience in helping people with their TMD, and are happy to give you some basic information to help guide... read more »

Chronic Temporomandibular Discomfort

Do you ever suffer from pain in your jaw? If so, you are not alone. Thousands of people struggle with jaw pain and do not know they could be suffering from tempromandibular joint disorder. Many of these things, like speaking, chewing and certain facial expressions, are possible thanks to the sophisticated temporomandibular joints, or TMJ, that hinge your jaw. Both... read more »

Effective TMJ Disorder Treatment Often Employs a Two-Stage Approach

Distress and discomfort in the temporomandibular joints that hinge your jaw can have a serious impact on your overall quality of life. Procrastinating professional treatment at TMJ Therapy could allow the problem to develop into something more severe. Many TMJ disorder sufferers complain of a pain or persistent ache near the temples or in front of the ears. This could... read more »

TMJ Disorder Can Have Several Different Root Causes

The temporomandibular joints that hinge your jaw are sophisticated enough to allow your mouth to move and apply complex forces. This allows you to speak clearly, chew and grind food, as well as make many common facial expressions. When discomfort, inflammation or dysfunction develops in these joints, it is often given the blanket term TMJ disorder. There are several potential... read more »

Do You Have a Damaged TMJ?

Although it seems simple to open and close our mouths, there is actually a complex process required for this ability to take place. Within our jaw, temporomandibular joints, also called TMJs, use ball and socket joints that work in unison with ligaments, muscles, discs, and bones to create a finely-tuned mechanism to accomplish the task. Due to the complex nature... read more »

Wearing a Night Guard to Protect against Bruxism and TMJ

Bruxism is the act of clenching or grinding your teeth. There are two main types of bruxism, with one occurring with you are asleep and one occurring while awake. If you suffer from sleep bruxism, only after you have signs of damage may you perhaps finally see the first indicator you suffer from it.  Don’t wait until your teeth and... read more »

TMJ Disorder Treatment Starts with Basic Lifestyle Modification

TMJ disorder is a general term used to describe pain or other discomfort associated with the temporomandibular joints that hinge your jaw. These joints are very sophisticated and, in many cases, have pain or inflammation issues arise from seemingly mundane sources. Your dentist, Dr. Carl McMillan, often starts addressing TMJ disorder symptoms with basic lifestyle modifications. Oftentimes, this includes eating... read more »

What is TMJ Disorder?

Do you ever experience tightness or tension in your jaw when you wake up? Do you ever suffer from mild irritation or extreme pain in your jaw? Do you have similar pain or discomfort in your throat or in your neck? If so, you could be suffering from TMJ disorder, which is often referred to as temporomandibular joint disorder. As... read more »